Why I call my business Mind Body Science

I happened across a great bit of info! David Bohm

This is article is truly a wonderful expression of what is going on in a Feldenkrais Lesson in words, 11 pages seems like a lot. This is part of why it’s so hard for me to explain what I do.  But it is quite illustrative. The great theoretical physicist David Bohm and Moshe Feldenkrais were totally on the same page when addressing our humanity. It is described by Ilana Neville about her lessons with one of her young clients.  We exist with each other. We connect and make the other whole. The Dialogue Model is another form of how we gain awareness of ourselves and how thought becomes conscious of itself. The world is an amazing place. Something is happening. It’s great to be a part of it all! Enjoy some Mind Body Science reading! https://www.feldenkraisnow.org/davidbohm’sdialo.html
