It’s a beautiful day!

Wow!  Can’t believe it’s so nice out.  Usually this time of year, here in St. Louis we are hot and sweaty if we are outside.  Not today!!  Woo Hoo!

It’s easy to see the good outside of ourselves.  It’s harder to see and feel the good inside of ourselves.  Much like we do when we look out into a nice garden on a nice day and feel a cool gentle breeze when it comes.  Later we can use our imagination to bring it back when our surroundings aren’t so pleasant.  We can do the same with our good feelings about ourselves, things like self worth, being loved, being cared for, being confident and calm.  But first we must pay attention and cultivate our understanding of how those things really feel in our whole selves.

When we are caught in a cycle of negative feelings in our minds, bodies, and emotions it’s hard to get out.  Negative sensations are so strong.  But the positive ones, the ones that are generally milder in intensity are the ones we can all use to make improvements.  We could benefit from amplifying them.  Rick Hanson PhD says, “Be Mind Full of Good.”  Help the good feelings get wired into your brain to effect all of you and all that is around you. Everyone can all do this if we slow down for a minute or so and allow something like a momentary feeling of calm and self confidence really come into our awareness of how it is sensed in our whole being; mind, emotion, and body.  But there are a whole host of positive feelings we can expand as we allow ourselves to become more deeply aware of them and how we sense them in our whole selves.

So, take some time today to “Be Mindful of Good!”  I know you have some…………….listen for it………. and amplify it. 🙂