Monthly Archives: May 2014

Feldenkrais Lessons

Who benefits???

Anyone seeking to improve something about themselves.

Anyone with pain, stress, or stiffness-can find ways to open and ease motion to allow more freedom of movement for anything from computing, to walking, gardening, child care, running,  hiking, rocking climbing……………………………………….the list is endless.

Athletes and Dancers– can find more speed, power, efficiency, fluidity, and grace.

Musicians-can find more effective ways to produce sound from their instruments.

Artists- can find new ways of creative expression.

Favorite Quote from Moshe Feldenkrais D.Sc.:  “Make the impossible, possible; the possible easy; and the easy, elegant.”

Read More:

On Moshe Feldenkrais

Information from the Feldenkrais Guild

The International Feldenkrais Federation