Monthly Archives: July 2017

Feldenkrais and Sports

As I prepare for teaching a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lesson I first come into myself.  I quiet my thoughts and come into my senses.  Next, I engage my curiosity and extinguish my “plans”.  In doing so, I prepare myself to learn something new about myself and how I encounter the environment around me.  This is how any athlete, performer, or human of any kind enters into the most exquisite moments of their lives.  It’s a moment of engaged non-judgmental learning. The kind of learning your brain used before you had language. A time when you were feeling your way into growth and development.

This method has something for any person ready to learn something new about themselves.  Cynthia Allen describes it so well in her Huffington Post article:  Extreme Sports Meets Feldenkrais.  When we learn something new about ourselves we grow in all aspects of our lives.  We feel better! We do better! We are better! Check it out!  See you in class!
